Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Dear Sweetheart,

You are graduating today, sweetness. Congratulations! I know you don't think it's that important. But it is, if not to you, at least to the people who care about you. I'm probably more excited that you are, but that's because I'm so proud of you.

To start of, you have done so well academically. You think you have done poorly this semester, but in reality you did great. Sometimes you expect too much and can't appreciate how outstanding your achievements are. You are extremely intelligent, and unlike other people (me), you actually understand what you are learning.

You also did all of this living on your own. I can't do anything on my own (maybe that's just me), so I am always amazed by how you manage to do everything. Living away from your parents can't be easy, and neither can looking after yourself. But you do it, and you get on with doing what you have to. I always quote that Ralph Waldo Emerson phrase to you about 'performing this hour's duties without doubt or fear' because it's what you do. Whatever the task, you do it without complaint.

Studying has given you some good qualities too. You always say you can come to like something if you study it enough. Probably in life, things will appear difficult, but if you work at it, you can like those things or make a bad circumstance good. What a wise ton!

Most importantly, you have remained unique and yourself entirely after all these years of study. In university, it's easily to lose your identity when you try to fit in with others. But you remained the most interesting person I know. Also, you have a very open heart. You are kind to people. You are warm-hearted (and generally just hot...). And you are accepting of people as they are. Maybe you were always this way but I have only known you for a year now. So to me, seeing you have such maturity makes every day you live a brilliant accomplishment.

You probably just think I'm rambling, and I probably am. I'm just trying to highlight all the ways in which you are wonderful, and attempting to explain how to be so wonderful, so young, makes me especially proud of you. I'm very fortunate to have a girlfriend who I respect and admire.

So today is "no big deal for you". However, because I love you in all the ways I mentioned above, it is a big day for me. Always remember: you are quite wonderful sweetheart.



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